Il est important pour nous que l'environnement et nos travailleurs soient pris en considération tout au long du processus de fabrication. En tant que tel, nous avons mis en place un code de conduite pour faire respecter cela. Consultez notre Code de conduite des fournisseurs .
Pour être totalement transparent, le défi est que les questions de durabilité sont compliquées. Il n'est pas toujours clair quelle est la bonne chose à faire, et bien trop souvent, nous voyons des entreprises pratiquer l'écoblanchiment sans faire de réels progrès ou aggraver les choses. Nous estimons que notre communauté mérite mieux de notre part. Nous faisons donc de notre mieux pour vraiment comprendre les enjeux et partager les faits avec vous, de la manière la plus transparente possible, alors que nous poursuivons ce voyage.
Notre engagement est de ne rien faire auquel nous ne croyons pas

Manufacturing & Ethics
Currently, all our manufacturers are located in PRC. We’ve ensured that all the workers in our manufacturer’s facilities are paid fair American living wages, have safe working conditions and treated ethically according to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Compostable Mailers
All our orders are now shipped in compostable mailers made from plants
Compostable Mailer composts in 6 months (180 days) versus regular plastic mailers which could take about 500 years.
Carbon Offset
For every order, we are taking steps to neutralize the environmental impact of shipping it to your door.
Through Shopify, we've partnered with Pachama, a best-in-class organization for offset protocols and standards. Our contributions are currently funding the Jarí Para Forest Project in the Amazon Rainforest

Social Impact
Here at Saint Lyon, we strongly believe in giving back to the community. We've committed to giving a percentage of our profits to causes we and our customers care deeply about
We've donated to the Black Lives Matter movement, mental health organizations, local food banks and other related charities
Roadmap for sustainability
We agree that there's always room to improve and we have only started our work on the sustainability front. Here are a few things that are on our roadmap.
- Introduce recycled fabrics into our colleciton
- Partner up with environmental organizations/charities like One Tree Planted to give back to the environment and create a healthier climate