Ces matins frisquets, ce seront vos joggeurs de prédilection. Fais nous confiance! La polyvalence qu'il offre le rend idéal pour les week-ends paresseux, les courses tôt le matin ou simplement pour être confortable tout en faisant des courses. Doté de poches latérales et d'un cordon de serrage à la taille, ce jogging chaud et confortable deviendra votre nouveau BFF.
- 87 % nylon, 13 % élasthanne
- Lavage à la main à froid de préférence
- Suspendre au sec
For the Planet.
For every order, we make a contribution to fund the Jarí Para Forest Project in the Amazon Rainforest to neutralize the environmental impact of shipping your order to your door.
For Causes
Our mission is to support a cause one outfit at a time. For every order, we make a donation on behalf of the customer. Causes are determined by our community.
For You.
Providing premium pieces that are not only stylish but also practical for any occasion.
What makes Saint Lyon different from other brands?
Our clothing feature custom-designed fabric designed to retain softness, shape, and comfort wash after wash, combined with practical, and superior fit.